Datasets created as part of the HSNDB infra-structure, including HSN, LINKS, place names, occupations.
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21 to 27 of 27 Results
Mandemakers, Kees, 2021, "HSN-release JDJ 2009_01",, IISH Data Collection, V2, UNF:6:FCqIcdHxa5wDaNWFBsDlBA== [fileUNF]
HSN-release JDJ 2009_01 was collected for Peter Tammes. Version 2009_01 is the dataset as released in 2009 for the project: Dutch Jewish or Jewish Dutch?
Dec 23, 2021
HSNDB-subsamples are samples of the Dutch populations that were created upon request by (international) scholars.
Mar 17, 2021 - HSNDB-LINKS
Mandemakers, Kees; Laan, Fons, 2021, "Linked Civil Registry, Netherlands - marriages only, Release 2020_03",, IISH Data Collection, V2
LINKS Dataset Linked Marriage Certificates, Netherlands, Release 2020_03
Nov 13, 2020 - HSNDB-HSN
Historical Sample of the Netherlands (HSN), 2020, "Historical Sample of the Netherlands (HSN) Data Set Life Courses Release 2010.01",, IISH Data Collection, V1
HSN release 2010.01 makes 37.137 life courses available for scientific research from the birth period 1850-1922. Please let us know about your publications via ask @ and cite the dataset as: Historical Sample of the Netherlands (HSN). 2010. Data Set Life Courses (Release...
Sep 30, 2020 - HSNDB-AUXILIARY
Huijsmans, D.P., 2020, "HSN Gazetteer",, IISH Data Collection, V1
Gazetteer based on places mentioned on Dutch civil registers
Mandemakers, Kees; Hornix, Jan; Mourits, Rick J; Muurling, Sanne; Boter, Corinne; Van Dijk, Ingrid K; Maas, Ineke; Van de Putte, Bart; Zijdeman, Richard L; Lambert, Paul; Van Leeuwen, Marco H D; Van Poppel, Frans W A; Miles, Andrew, 2020, "HSNDB Occupations",, IISH Data Collection, V1, UNF:6:c/RR6WeNgoP1khIsrBcSew== [fileUNF]
This release consists of a standardization of 281,355 different occupational titles found in the sources used by the HSN till the 1st of January 2020 and the coding of the standardized occupations in the HISCO, HISCLASS, OCC1950, HISCAM and SOCPO classifications. HSN stands for t...
Mandemakers, Kees; Mourits, Rick J; Muurling, Sanne; Boter, Corinne; Van Dijk, Ingrid K.; Maas, Ineke; Van de Putte, Bart; Zijdeman, Richard L.; Lambert, Paul S.; Van Leeuwen, Marco; Van Poppel, Frans; Miles, Andrew, 2018, "HSN_HISCO_release_2018_01",, IISH Data Collection, V3, UNF:6:wfK8iY9uetyciZC6YD66Pw== [fileUNF]
Here you find a release of the standardized and coded values of 134,964 different occupational titles found in the sources used by the HSN until the 1st of July 2018. All these occupational titles have been coded into HISCO, HISCLASS, HISCAM, OCC1950 and SOCPO classifications. Th...
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