Datasets created as part of the HSNDB infra-structure, including HSN, LINKS, place names, occupations.
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1 to 10 of 27 Results
Feb 6, 2025 - HSNDB-surveys
Moisseenko, Tatiana; Koster, Marja, 2025, "Survey of historical databases with longitudinal micro-data: The second questionnaire",, IISH Data Collection, V1
In 2015, the HSNDB sent out surveys to multiple data centers to document their databases on historical persons. The surveys were an upgrade and extension of an earlier effort in 2009, available at The goal was to start a European Historical Po...
Feb 6, 2025 - HSNDB-surveys
Alter, George; Mandemakers, Kees, 2025, "Survey of historical databases with longitudinal micro-data",, IISH Data Collection, V1
In 2009, the HSN (now HSNDB) sent out surveys to multiple data centers to document their databases on historical persons. The surveys were part of the 'Towards a Global Life Course' project to improve cooperation between important players in the fields of historical micro-data, w...
Jan 6, 2025
Mourits, Rick J; Mandemakers, Kees, 2024, "HSN personal cards - SSD matching subset",, IISH Data Collection, V5, UNF:6:JDL0D+QiFKHvV0qTDShREA== [fileUNF]
The Netherlands has two key databases to study of social inequalities across the life course and over generations: the Historical Sample of the Netherlands (HSN) for persons born in the Netherlands from 1812 until 1922, and the System of Social statistical Datasets (SSD) with reg...
Mourits, Rick J; Mandemakers, Kees; Kok, Joris; Hofmeester, Karin; Commandeur, Walfried; Schimmel, Kirsten; Sijbrands, Reinier; Koster, Marja; Zijdeman, Richard L, 2024, "ANDB members’ life courses",, IISH Data Collection, V1, UNF:6:8uZPkFnJtKFBj5i5mfZclA== [fileUNF]
De Amsterdamse diamantsector vormde de bakermat van de in 1894 door Henri Polak opgerichte Algemene Nederlandse Diamantbewerkersbond (ANDB), de eerste moderne vakbond en voorloper van het huidige FNV. Hier waren veel joodse (en niet-joodse) Amsterdammers bij aangesloten en de bon...
Mourits, Rick J; Mandemakers, K.; Laan, F.; Munnik, C.; Meijer, K., 2024, "HSNDB Standardisation Tables",, IISH Data Collection, V2, UNF:6:WPWp9b2sYqW5F0zI99EsBA== [fileUNF]
These are the files that the HSNDB uses to standardise: - age - family names - given names - religions - toponyms / locations Version history: v1: 2024, Jun 26 v2: 2024, Aug 5 updated ref_age
HSNDB, 2024, "Bevolkingsregisters Goede Herder Zoeterwoude 1869-1939",, IISH Data Collection, V1, UNF:6:UBMUFarrG15iV//SBjggCA== [fileUNF]
These files contain the population registers for the Goede Herder in Zoeterwoude. The data was transcribed by the HSNDB as part of a study into excess mortality in religious institutions, and served as input for the 2024 documentary "Meisjes van de Goede Herder" by the VPRO. Data...
Dec 14, 2022 - Cleaned civil registry
Mourits, Rick J; Mandemakers, Kees; Laan, Fons; Zijdeman, Richard L, 2022, "Cleaned Civil Registry, Netherlands",, IISH Data Collection, V1
This data set contains UNLINKED civil registry data. The cleaned civil registry data is based on indexes by the city, regional, and provincial archives in the Netherlands. Access to these indexed datasets can be acquired through the Central Bureau of Genealogy (CBG) or Open Archi...
Dec 14, 2022HSNDB-LINKS
Dutch civil registry data as indexed by the city, regional, and provincial archives, provided by the Central Bureau of Genealogy (CBG), and cleaned by HSNDB.
Sep 14, 2022 - HSNDB-LINKS
Mandemakers, Kees; Laan, Fons, 2020, "Linked Civil Registry, Netherlands - births and marriages only, Release 2020_01",, IISH Data Collection, V2
LINKS Dataset Linked Births and Marriage Certificates Parents, Netherlands, Release 2020_01. Before using the data it is imperative to study the documentation extensively. Lack of understanding of the data setup and limitations of linking procedures will lead to ungrounded conclu...
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