Datasets created as part of the HSNDB infra-structure, including HSN, LINKS, place names, occupations.
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71 to 80 of 191 Results
Tabular Data - 3.8 MB - 14 Variables, 41918 Observations - UNF:6:QlQ6r/b3EUq8fReZ/bsxrA==
Tabular Data - 578.6 KB - 3 Variables, 20816 Observations - UNF:6:XA0sqBJ4MwSDCzY89wXBqQ==
Mourits, Rick J; Mandemakers, Kees; Kok, Joris; Hofmeester, Karin; Commandeur, Walfried; Schimmel, Kirsten; Sijbrands, Reinier; Koster, Marja; Zijdeman, Richard L, 2024, "ANDB members’ life courses",, IISH Data Collection, V1, UNF:6:8uZPkFnJtKFBj5i5mfZclA== [fileUNF]
De Amsterdamse diamantsector vormde de bakermat van de in 1894 door Henri Polak opgerichte Algemene Nederlandse Diamantbewerkersbond (ANDB), de eerste moderne vakbond en voorloper van het huidige FNV. Hier waren veel joodse (en niet-joodse) Amsterdammers bij aangesloten en de bon...
Tabular Data - 6.2 MB - 29 Variables, 40440 Observations - UNF:6:xL3OgcwBiM8uMcvDaHyCpA==
Tabular Data - 29.5 MB - 22 Variables, 227370 Observations - UNF:6:rQCDnQVGIh8g1ELrApPqtQ==
Tabular Data - 374.4 KB - 12 Variables, 5067 Observations - UNF:6:CM0zsn5HObhdd2JnIMQhYQ==
Tabular Data - 6.9 MB - 23 Variables, 34089 Observations - UNF:6:2lsSMWyZYvPtQBnxVdA6xg==
Mourits, Rick J; Mandemakers, K.; Laan, F.; Munnik, C.; Meijer, K., 2024, "HSNDB Standardisation Tables",, IISH Data Collection, V2, UNF:6:WPWp9b2sYqW5F0zI99EsBA== [fileUNF]
These are the files that the HSNDB uses to standardise: - age - family names - given names - religions - toponyms / locations Version history: v1: 2024, Jun 26 v2: 2024, Aug 5 updated ref_age
Tabular Data - 4.0 MB - 8 Variables, 79165 Observations - UNF:6:xRXSigx2TElkUUArTolGdQ==
HSNDB, 2024, "Bevolkingsregisters Goede Herder Zoeterwoude 1869-1939",, IISH Data Collection, V1, UNF:6:UBMUFarrG15iV//SBjggCA== [fileUNF]
These files contain the population registers for the Goede Herder in Zoeterwoude. The data was transcribed by the HSNDB as part of a study into excess mortality in religious institutions, and served as input for the 2024 documentary "Meisjes van de Goede Herder" by the VPRO. Data...
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