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20,861 to 20,870 of 20,912 Results
Dec 13, 2015 - Clio Infra
Baten, Joerg, 2015, "Gender Equality of Numeracy",, IISH Data Collection, V1
Gender equality of numeracy is defined as ((whipple index women-whipple index men)/whipple index men)*100
MS Word - 283.0 KB - MD5: cb8661d0575d0cec6a1f5f9b0e51c634
MS Excel Spreadsheet - 73.6 KB - MD5: 2e7700220967b084377a4094a48b1540
Dec 13, 2015 - Clio Infra
Carmichael, Sarah; Dilli, Selin; Rijpma, Auke, 2015, "Gender Equality Years of Education",, IISH Data Collection, V1
Barro and Lee (2010) provide data on educational attainment disaggregated by age groups over 15 and by sex. The information on average years of education has been used to evaluate the progress that has been made in the second half of the 20th century in closing the gender gap reg...
MS Word - 32.5 KB - MD5: 77f86e339260d399916dbf13d5707446
MS Excel Spreadsheet - 62.5 KB - MD5: b25ca22b145720de9577b18a9de7f5ec
MS Word - 38.6 KB - MD5: 49a8d132ad92a15151e42c5858cfa6c8
MS Excel Spreadsheet - 176.0 KB - MD5: bf365769d3be707a7e0da671fbf1e9bd
Dec 13, 2015 - Clio Infra
Ribeiro da Silva, Filipa, 2015, "Female life expectancy at Birth",, IISH Data Collection, V1
The Female Life expectancy dataset comprises information on number of years of life expectancy among women in different world countries for the period 1750-2000. Data has been gathered and organized in 50-years intervals for the period 1750-1800 and in 10-years intervals for the...
MS Word - 14.0 KB - MD5: d9a2288081b034b42168f1c7dbcc93bd
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