20,891 to 20,900 of 20,912 Results
Dec 13, 2015 -
Political Competition
MS Word - 14.0 KB -
MD5: 1a485bd364bfa023b91897563c948d40
Dec 13, 2015 -
Political Competition
MS Excel Spreadsheet - 114.3 KB -
MD5: d753f3b31bb033e38f5ffd16d33dd357
Dec 13, 2015 - Clio Infra
Klein Goldewijk, Kees, 2015, "CO2 Emissions per Capita", https://hdl.handle.net/10622/DG654S, IISH Data Collection, V1
The original source for carbon dioxide emissions are the estimates of the Carbon Dioxide Information and Analysis Center (CDIAC; Marland et al, 2004). Global, regional, and national annual estimates of CO2 emissions from fossil fuel burning, cement production, and gas flaring hav... |
Dec 13, 2015 -
CO2 Emissions per Capita
MS Word - 37.0 KB -
MD5: edc2a3e9066c3a1ae6982ca7f83ee903
Dec 13, 2015 -
CO2 Emissions per Capita
MS Excel Spreadsheet - 86.3 KB -
MD5: 52cca2cdc5951a4e625880df6364fd1f
Dec 13, 2015 - Clio Infra
Klein Goldewijk, Kees, 2015, "Cattle per Capita", https://hdl.handle.net/10622/SO62N5, IISH Data Collection, V1
Estimates of cattle per capita based on historical data combined with modelling. |
Dec 13, 2015 -
Cattle per Capita
MS Word - 36.0 KB -
MD5: 3a3de7be73a5877fffb29fc369222380
Dec 13, 2015 -
Cattle per Capita
MS Excel Spreadsheet - 139.1 KB -
MD5: 53e14725240e61266295e1e75fa446f6
Dec 13, 2015 - Clio Infra
Fink-Jensen, Jonathan, 2015, "Book Titles per Capita", https://hdl.handle.net/10622/AOQMAZ, IISH Data Collection, V1
This dataset comprises information on the number of new book titles published per year per million inhabitants in a given country for the period 1500-2010. Data has been gathered and organized in 1-year intervals, using as geographical reference the current list of existing world... |
Dec 13, 2015 -
Book Titles per Capita
MS Word - 28.7 KB -
MD5: 33667a953904caa77149bd27fdbc2e0c