This is the "dataverse" of the Lippe brick-makers project, conducted by researchers Jan Lucassen and Piet Lourens.

Background about the Lippe project

In the 19th century, up to 40% of all male workers left the Principality of Lippe every spring. Until the fall, they worked in brick works in northern Germany, the Netherlands, Scandinavia and Eastern Europe. The seasonal migrant work of the Lippe brick-makers dates back to the 17th century. The administration of the Principality of Lippe recorded them in detail. For the years from 1778 to 1869, the State Archives of North Rhine-Westphalia (LAV NRW), Department of East Westphalia-Lippe, in Detmold holds over 100,000 records on more than 30,000 brick-makers. Nowhere else in the world is it possible to find so much detailed information on seasonal workers with their origins and destinations for such a long and early period. They are invaluable for the history of migrations, work and family, but also for genealogists with ancestors from Lippe. Thanks to the cooperation between the International Institute of Social History in Amsterdam (IISG) and the LAV NRW, this data is made available embedded in its historical context.

Origins and structure of the data

This project "dataverse" contains three "datasets":
  1. "Lippe brick-makers project: archival pages transcriptions": Lucassen and Lourens transcribed manually a great part of the scanned pages from the Lippe archive. This dataset contains the files with the transcriptions and a link to each digital scan.
  2. "Lippe brick-makers database": Lucassen and Lourens extracted data from the archival scans corresponding to people and the places, factories they went to work to, and other details. This dataset contains the files with the extracted data.
  3. "Lippe brick-makers database: sample with geodata" This dataset contains the files from a sample of the database which were enriched with geodata.

  4. More information about the Lippische Ziegler project can be found here:
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1 to 10 of 27 Results
Apr 8, 2024
Lucassen, Jan; Lourens, Piet, 2024, "Lippe brick-makers database: sample with geodata",, IISH Data Collection, V3, UNF:6:plvs3fvOMdz9WWMB6ly8EQ== [fileUNF]
This dataset is part of the Lippe brickmakers project. This is a small sample taken from the Lippe brickmakers database ( This sample was selected with the purpose to experiment with enriching place names with geo-data and transform them to li...
Unknown - 6.9 KB - MD5: b9bbd6a4f088d53aaa3d91079b4b27c5
This file contains the same data as the file "" but converted to triples in nt (N-triples) format.
Tabular Data - 41.7 KB - 41 Variables, 102 Observations - UNF:6:plvs3fvOMdz9WWMB6ly8EQ==
Sample taken from the file "lippe-brickmakers-database" ( enriched with geodata. 107 rows, 40 columns.
Python Source Code - 5.9 KB - MD5: 36925f457783cede8a1fc3505672c885
Python script that transforms the csv file to .nt triples.
Apr 8, 2024
Lucassen, Jan; Lourens, Piet, 2020, "Lippe brick-makers: database",, IISH Data Collection, V8, UNF:6:3eYojjH54ozxbEENSbAhWQ== [fileUNF]
This dataset is part of the Lippe brickmakers project. It contains two files: A file in tabular format (.tab): in each row there is data about a person (brick-maker) from Lippe and it's migratory seasonal work. The original "code book" can be found in this web page, which is also...
Unknown - 226.5 MB - MD5: 173fdb801d8a19924afa6f09c8b2e745
This file contains the same data as the file "" but converted to triples in nt (N-triples) format.
Tabular Data - 50.2 MB - 41 Variables, 128612 Observations - UNF:6:3eYojjH54ozxbEENSbAhWQ==
PREFERRED FILE. No data has been changed from the previous version, but links to the original scans are added in this version. This is, to our knowlege, the most updated and correct version of the database.
Python Source Code - 6.5 KB - MD5: 7d2998726729406b1465a905e186336b
Python script that transforms the csv file to .nt triples.
Apr 8, 2024
Lucassen, Jan; Lourens, Piet; Joergens, Bettina, 2020, "Lippe brickmakers: archival pages transcriptions",, IISH Data Collection, V6, UNF:6:Wzb2uAHtYrmNVjwZ1V/PgQ== [fileUNF] Title: Lippe brickmakers project: archival pages transcriptions identifier: lippe_page_scans This dataset is part of the Lippe brickmakers project. It contains two files. A file in tabular format (.tab):...
Unknown - 13.2 MB - MD5: 4ace7f5a880c0a0cd603ad0d38435bbd
This file contains the same data as the file "" but converted to triples in nt (N-triples) format.
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