This is the Dataverse with the published datasets of the HUB Global Labour Conflicts project. This dataverse is maintained by the International Institute of Social History (IISG) ( on behalf of the network. Any questions or suggestions can be addressed to ...

The datasets are grouped into so-called "Dataverses" of different levels. To see those levels, click on the tick box "Dataverses" on the left panel.


You will see 5 dataverses:
  • Remarkable Strikes: These are qualitative accounts of a few selected, exceptional historical strikes.
  • Global Labour Conflicts: Contains the aggregated dataset on labour conflicts for more than 250 countries.
  • Micro Labour Conflicts: Datasets with more detailed accounts of specific (periods of) labour disputes.
  • Aggregate data: Datasets with aggregated data per country for certain time periods.
  • National Labour Conflicts: Datasets with aggregated data per country for certain time periods.

    For researchers with a focus on The Netherlands, the main dataset of interest is "Labour Conflicts in the Netherlands, 1372-2019" ( This dataset has been converted to linked open data. The converted version can be queried using a sparql endpoint here: For users who are not able to query sparql directly, we provide a "Data story" with a simpler way to enter query terms. There are two data stories for the Dutch dataset:
  • A data story where you can get an overview of the data model: data story: data-model
  • A data story where you can get insights into the data itself, with the most common queries (per year, occupation, place, etc.): data story: dataset queries

    More information about the HUB Global Labour Conflicts and these data can be found here:, and in this publication: Aurich, J., Simpson, C., & Kösters, R. (2022). Workers’ resistance across time and space. Arbetarhistoria, 183(3).

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    171 to 180 of 236 Results
    May 13, 2016 - Spain, 1719-1835
    Adobe PDF - 817.4 KB - MD5: 55f51484c41e9fdff837d111f32340d8
    May 13, 2016 - Spain, 1719-1835
    MS Word - 31.5 KB - MD5: 101885d1d1ee1b13cd80816a3adf4610
    May 13, 2016 - Spain, 1719-1835
    MS Excel Spreadsheet - 17.7 KB - MD5: e74f2f194aa0b48a63b5943891707fad
    Apr 12, 2016 - Aggregate data
    van der Velden, Sjaak, 2016, "United Kingdom, 1870-1879",, IISH Data Collection, V1
    National data taken from several sources
    MS Word - 26.0 KB - MD5: 912635c18d8e1c6346e90f4219c96e6a
    MS Excel Spreadsheet - 81.5 KB - MD5: 4a4b1589817fb8e9ae1d83923510231f
    Feb 12, 2016 - Micro Labour Conflicts
    Varela, Raquel, 2016, "Portugal, 1911-2007, 1974",, IISH Data Collection, V1
    General strikes 1911-2007 and strikes in 1974
    MS Word - 26.0 KB - MD5: 6c30e15a32a33542ed0dc9ad6a70b91b
    MS Excel Spreadsheet - 0 B - MD5: c894f534bdc61655f3cc6661187ab3e1
    Explanation of the genesis of the data file
    MS Word - 244.0 KB - MD5: c5898d98345d525b00fac093930c39b0
    Explanation of the genesis of the data file
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