This website includes datasets on coin production in the Southern and Northern Low Countries (present-day Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg) that were compiled by various historians over the past few decades. They are based on the accounts of the annual production that were made up by personnel of the minting houses in the Low Countries since the Middle Ages. Such data provide insight in the quantity of coins in circulation, their quality, and the denominations coined in mint houses.
The project has been made possible thanks to a generous grant from KDP, the Small Data Project Section of DANS (Data Archiving and Networking Services).

For more information, see:
The data can be queried and visualised here.

Image source: Ulrich Ursentaler, Presentation Coin of Maximilian I. 1509/1517 (Met Museum, no. 26.261.14).
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Comma Separated Values - 480.1 KB - MD5: 03306fe61ca419372bd9711b0d72cd0c
UTF-8. For the codebook, see
Comma Separated Values - 1.5 MB - MD5: 34ad148dcefe0adb567c2fde232570ce
UTF-8. Fixed some minor errors
Comma Separated Values - 209.3 KB - MD5: 5b9a431a10f5032f7625f79383aaa75f
UTF-8. Fixed some minor errors
Comma Separated Values - 2.2 MB - MD5: ff5a8377eaa2999c0d2de5e9652f38fb
UTF-8. New update: Added missing data on Guelders 1576-1813, especially late sixteenth century (via De Voogt 1874). Update June 2017: Data for 19th and 20th centuries (Cuhaj). Update April 2017: Including Vanhoudt 2015 dataset from 1598-1830 and of 16th and 18th c. duiten include...
MS Word - 74.4 KB - MD5: dbab26d0479dc153fd132c51c49ff032
Simplified codebook
Comma Separated Values - 14.3 KB - MD5: 0cdf336a0ac5c2c187222003b6828aab
Unknown - 26.1 MB - MD5: bcd20b564c3c46e6d2b0f897fda37685
Comma Separated Values - 175.7 KB - MD5: 5709f7cbfc5dea469569c23abcfff2f8
Database without geographical coordinates
Unknown - 329.9 KB - MD5: e5ddc1e9aed9f0083cad33281bcfad5f
Tab-Delimited - 39.6 KB - MD5: a973dc90435ad0028c2516f00d9da9d0
Wage series (1264-1954): temporary dummy for use in visualisations. Construed from craftsmen wage series of Oxford (1264-1499), Amsterdam (1500-1910) and London (1911-1954) made available by R.C. Allen. Converted into denier groot (VALUEd). Not for other use!
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