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1,581 to 1,590 of 1,629 Results
Mar 27, 2023 - Historical Database Curacao
van Galen, Coen; Quanjer, Björn; Kraijo, Matthijs; Langenfeld, Els; Rosenbaum-Feldbrügge, Matthias; Mourits, Rick J; van Oort, Thunnis; Kok, Jan, 2023, "Curacao Slave register Dataset Version 1.0",, IISH Data Collection, V1, UNF:6:DiQXUDas8zGMjwFLAJ0KfQ== [fileUNF]
The Curaçao colonial administration began keeping track of slaves at the beginning of 1839. This so-called slave record was maintained until 1863, when slavery was abolished. All owners were obliged to register the name, gender, year of birth and name of the mother of the people...
Adobe PDF - 286.4 KB - MD5: 47990aaf39513e13136f4ab6d810fff9
Data Description Curaçao Slave Registers Version 1.0
Tabular Data - 7.6 MB - 40 Variables, 21515 Observations - UNF:6:DiQXUDas8zGMjwFLAJ0KfQ==
Slave register Curacao V1.0
Historical Database Curacao(Radboud University Nijmegen)
Historical Database Curacao logo
Mar 27, 2023HDSC
Mar 21, 2023 - History of Labour Relations
Vosse, Shoshanah van de, 2023, "France 1900 [Global Collaboratory on the History of Labour Relations 1500-2000 Dataset]",, IISH Data Collection, V1, UNF:6:bjznS+uGlTXKNDs964VOfg== [fileUNF]
Labour Relations in France: 1900
Tabular Data - 38.6 KB - 35 Variables, 202 Observations - UNF:6:rYoD76dXgJx10fmi/WsEAg==
Digitized occupational data from 1906 French census, containing both high and low levels of aggregation
Tabular Data - 8.5 MB - 42 Variables, 65535 Observations - UNF:6:7BbtCpoepwa/BltfPaBK0Q==
Dataset containing labour relations data
Feb 17, 2023
Feb 17, 2023 - IISH World Economic History
Shi, Zhihong, 2023, "Agricultural Development in Qing China: A Quantitative Study (1661-1911)",, IISH Data Collection, V1
Please cite as: Shi, Z. (20 Oct. 2017). Agricultural Development in Qing China. Leiden, The Netherlands: Brill. doi:
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