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20,271 to 20,280 of 20,291 Results
Dec 13, 2015 - Cropland per Capita
MS Excel Spreadsheet - 138.9 KB - MD5: 82620f9b4f3131222808fdf0a0fc7c67
Dec 13, 2015 - Copper Production
MS Word - 15.7 KB - MD5: 9a79f68c6a2e066cc140721562e0abd8
Dec 13, 2015 - Copper Production
MS Excel Spreadsheet - 140.3 KB - MD5: 7eabcbc625fe4ef471453b457704d6ee
MS Word - 16.9 KB - MD5: 886f1f55b41ca1c1fa4c8eb1e90c49b4
MS Excel Spreadsheet - 328.4 KB - MD5: b06fb81c986f90e3be67cb8962c97828
MS Word - 16.6 KB - MD5: 7427b22325338328f46f19749243d625
MS Excel Spreadsheet - 324.4 KB - MD5: bf814a665c35ed3a5f23dff54b5424d4
Dec 13, 2015 - Political Competition
MS Word - 14.0 KB - MD5: 1a485bd364bfa023b91897563c948d40
Dec 13, 2015 - Political Competition
MS Excel Spreadsheet - 114.3 KB - MD5: d753f3b31bb033e38f5ffd16d33dd357
Dec 13, 2015 - CO2 Emissions per Capita
MS Word - 37.0 KB - MD5: edc2a3e9066c3a1ae6982ca7f83ee903
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