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20,071 to 20,080 of 20,291 Results
Mar 23, 2016 - index file clio-infra
Tabular Data - 5.1 KB - 11 Variables, 91 Observations - UNF:6:Hq+jDx4JLFxR4s4HYRXcbA==
Plain Text - 92.5 KB - MD5: 3c2ac8904aeedcfbd7fe04ab4ad1f857
Swedish occupational titles from CEDAR
Markdown Text - 3.8 KB - MD5: cc84db2fde7cf5772f9aa38643f610fb
Description of data files, variables and codes
Adobe PDF - 677.7 KB - MD5: e5f174c8c79f7c9a88d5ce53af4976fa
Research paper
Van Lottum, Jelle. Immigranten in Nederland in de eerste helft van de 19e eeuw. Een onderzoek op basis van de Utrechtse volkstellingen van 1829 en 1839 (externe link), IISH Research paper no. 43
MS Excel Spreadsheet - 413.0 KB - MD5: 8734991a6914b4f8edf16336e5df4771
Dataset on migrants in the Dutch city of Utrecht in 1829
MS Excel Spreadsheet - 901.5 KB - MD5: c48e684bb774ed2dbf07062411a43190
Dataset on migrants in the Dutch city of Utrecht in 1839
Adobe PDF - 145.5 KB - MD5: 6b1b2d812a55a29aad888c9e845d2fa1
Codebook for Norwegian occupational census titles coded in Hierark, Naering and OCCHISCO
Plain Text - 51.7 MB - MD5: 7d5b203485242f26ca761ac02b95a3d0
Coded occupational titles from the 1865, 1875, 1900 and 1910 censuses
Comma Separated Values - 9.9 MB - MD5: 86c99168e57246882476b029a9ecde9f
This is the HSN 2013.01 release in international csv-format with headers.
R Syntax - 580 B - MD5: 42a8a760f93791e0d26a2b3632d5469b
This file reads in the HSN official release hsn_2013a and transposed the format to an international format (e.g. not seperated by colons, but by comma's.)
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