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1 to 10 of 1,397 Results
MS Word - 104.1 KB - MD5: 42ea5da47648e6deddca979d4b5bc26d
MS Excel Spreadsheet - 56.9 KB - MD5: 7d2bad60ebfc584b291444d3fe83d383
MS Excel Spreadsheet - 194.3 KB - MD5: 54f4e1366b8fdc19f08b79bef964ea31
Excel file containing the database, which was kept updated after 1997. The most recent literature used for the database was published in 2009.
Adobe PDF - 37.5 MB - MD5: b991b6899ccb9876b5a6eec91b1d9981
PDF scan of the 1997 NEHA publication, with written additions, improvements, and notes in the margins by Piet Lourens.
Adobe PDF - 197.9 KB - MD5: 4e88c9afb4a0e430917bc82eac420dd6
Adobe PDF - 200.7 KB - MD5: ea8a5ebae75bb16510359b288328be5c
Adobe PDF - 137.4 KB - MD5: a9787d85ee31200c8ac9847a9d24f4e7
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