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Jun 16, 2017
Stapel, Rombert; Lucassen, Jan, 2017, "Coin Production in Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg 1795-2001 (Cuhaj-Schulman)",, IISH Data Collection, V1
Sources: Cuhaj ed., Standard Catalog of World Coins, 1901-2000 (42nd edition, 2015) & J. Schulman, Handboek van de Nederlandse munten van 1795-1961 (Amsterdam: Jacques Schulman, 2e geheel herziene en verbeterde druk)
Mar 9, 2021 - Low Countries Data Collection
Stapel, Rombert, 2021, "Curaçao Historical Administrative Areas (1792-1954)",, IISH Data Collection, V4, UNF:6:tcaRmFtrTXUmdzAUbSAJHQ== [fileUNF]
Spatiotemporal GIS layer of administrative areas (quarters; divisions; districts; urban neighbourhoods) in the island of Curaçao under Dutch, post-WIC control (1792-1954). The timestamped dataset covers five administrative reclassifications: pre-1816, 1816, 1863, 1925, and 1930....
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