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19,871 to 19,880 of 20,291 Results
Oct 6, 2017 - Argentina, 1887-1907
Tabular Data - 1.1 KB - 23 Variables, 10 Observations - UNF:6:6DxkPHVgG9gAf3OBDL9Fjg==
Oct 6, 2017 - Argentina, 1887-1907
MS Word - 26.5 KB - MD5: 55a44c0cfc1d52b8cbbc0ea2f08db0bc
Sep 7, 2017 - Germany, 1949-2016
MS Word - 28.0 KB - MD5: 1182cf87d94d0f0d2adbff169dfeed37
How the data were collected
Sep 7, 2017 - Germany, 1949-2016
MS Excel Spreadsheet - 76.0 KB - MD5: d2e5e3b3dc76459c810658dd4645fb1c
The data
MS Excel Spreadsheet - 27.8 KB - MD5: 982fe2b99ad86fbefa18f2a9d66945f7
Small changes to get correct gender ratio.
Comma Separated Values - 480.1 KB - MD5: 03306fe61ca419372bd9711b0d72cd0c
Unknown - 26.1 MB - MD5: bcd20b564c3c46e6d2b0f897fda37685
Comma Separated Values - 175.7 KB - MD5: 5709f7cbfc5dea469569c23abcfff2f8
Database without geographical coordinates
Unknown - 329.9 KB - MD5: e5ddc1e9aed9f0083cad33281bcfad5f
Tab-Delimited - 39.6 KB - MD5: a973dc90435ad0028c2516f00d9da9d0
Wage series (1264-1954): temporary dummy for use in visualisations. Construed from craftsmen wage series of Oxford (1264-1499), Amsterdam (1500-1910) and London (1911-1954) made available by R.C. Allen. Converted into denier groot (VALUEd). Not for other use!
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