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19,861 to 19,870 of 20,291 Results
Comma Separated Values - 1.5 MB - MD5: 34ad148dcefe0adb567c2fde232570ce
UTF-8. Fixed some minor errors
Comma Separated Values - 209.3 KB - MD5: 5b9a431a10f5032f7625f79383aaa75f
UTF-8. Fixed some minor errors
Comma Separated Values - 2.2 MB - MD5: ff5a8377eaa2999c0d2de5e9652f38fb
UTF-8. New update: Added missing data on Guelders 1576-1813, especially late sixteenth century (via De Voogt 1874). Update June 2017: Data for 19th and 20th centuries (Cuhaj). Update April 2017: Including Vanhoudt 2015 dataset from 1598-1830 and of 16th and 18th c. duiten include...
MS Word - 74.4 KB - MD5: dbab26d0479dc153fd132c51c49ff032
Simplified codebook
Comma Separated Values - 14.3 KB - MD5: 0cdf336a0ac5c2c187222003b6828aab
Nov 13, 2017 - Canada, 1960-1967
Tabular Data - 29.7 KB - 15 Variables, 188 Observations - UNF:6:iIdk/Yd8yzEDMmvxIO2O0Q==
Nov 13, 2017 - Canada, 1960-1967
MS Word - 29.5 KB - MD5: 2ec49c1fcef77a0d9a07bf5bfe85b837
Oct 27, 2017 - Argentina, 1907-1930
Tabular Data - 563 B - 25 Variables, 3 Observations - UNF:6:DZKtyARYwwSuFTDTayd7cQ==
Oct 27, 2017 - Argentina, 1907-1930
MS Word - 29.5 KB - MD5: ec9336537f603095dbeacdd39b0697e1
MS Excel Spreadsheet - 2.3 MB - MD5: 57a6206467cfc3883b05dbc06373e405
Dataset with information per individual strike
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