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1 to 10 of 14,002 Results
Dec 20, 2024 - GLOBALISE
Maillard, Philippe; Pepping, Kay; Kuruppath, Manjusha; Land, Ruben, 2024, "GLOBALISE - Namebooks of the Dutch East India Company (1730-1794)",, IISH Data Collection, V2, UNF:6:PqZJQmfbx3yGV8DypSN6WA== [fileUNF]
This dataset focuses on the VOC (Dutch East India Company), drawing from 18th-century Naamboekjes—booklets detailing employment data for VOC personnel. It provides insights into roles, appointments, and geographic assignments, aiming to enhance accessibility to VOC archives via s...
Adobe PDF - 218.1 KB - MD5: 273f6726ac8224c8def00998f294d61d
Provides information on (meta)data with examples, on bias in the data, on re-usability and licensing for the dataset.
Tabular Data - 1.4 KB - 2 Variables, 11 Observations - UNF:6:PqZJQmfbx3yGV8DypSN6WA==
Adobe PDF - 366.0 KB - MD5: 3b6e7e80d15209c0e530c74cf7d5e43d
Describes the historical background of the dataset, the reasoning for source selection and describes the creation process.
Dec 10, 2024 - Micro Labour Conflicts
van Kasteel, Teun; Aurich, Jens, 2024, "Amok Events in 19th Century Dutch Newspapers",, IISH Data Collection, V4, UNF:6:YSefEtN1bDpqaOZ/lApgJg== [fileUNF]
This dataset is the result of a manual data collection process consisting of visual and textual annotations of digitized newspaper articles retrieved from Delpher. For this project, we collected data on an unconventional form of collective labor action: Amok.
Adobe PDF - 52.8 KB - MD5: ae73d753343c4944dfc92a31049af70d
Tabular Data - 422.3 KB - 55 Variables, 1437 Observations - UNF:6:YSefEtN1bDpqaOZ/lApgJg==
Dec 10, 2024 - Micro Labour Conflicts
Läuferts, Josephine; Aurich, Jens, 2024, "Desertion Events in 19th Century Dutch Newspapers",, IISH Data Collection, V3, UNF:6:PLqCWvjO39KGxxQhgp2J6w== [fileUNF]
This dataset is the result of a manual data collection process consisting of visual and textual annotations of digitized newspaper articles retrieved from Delpher. For this project, we collected data on an unconventional form of collective labor action: Desertions.
Adobe PDF - 98.1 KB - MD5: 6540953f7bbc8a8f36a6d99f391a0f74
Tabular Data - 145.6 KB - 55 Variables, 496 Observations - UNF:6:PLqCWvjO39KGxxQhgp2J6w==
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