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19,921 to 19,930 of 20,291 Results
Adobe PDF - 293.4 KB - MD5: a5d2a76cc103d6db481b1c6fa9146a0b
Paper describing the coding of Catalan occupational titles into HISCO
Tabular Data - 9.4 MB - 17 Variables, 20923 Observations - UNF:6:f3xC63ywNbwbs3jyZbQhMQ==
The HISCO codification of the Barcelona Historical Marriage Database. All the occupations were written originally in Catalan. In case of an individual had two, three occupations they have been codifyied in the same row together. That's the reason why you will find: Standardized...
Adobe PDF - 5.7 MB - MD5: 11c741aa0420dde5d178da8eeeb62f01
application/xls - 328.0 KB - MD5: a9fbf6e067fcd614b64a47bdd40bc570
MS Word - 28.0 KB - MD5: 299d7a26183c6fa81421a19ef40fffcb
MS Word - 94.8 KB - MD5: 241773f8e47846a0153cb26f3fcb2857
Simplified codebook
Tabular Data - 13.6 KB - 5 Variables, 425 Observations - UNF:6:fUt1c768wtTbCN7L0OspLA==
This file contains 5 variables: occupation, hisco, status, relation, product. It contains 425 occupational titles in Italian and their HISCO equivalents. Any provenance on the file (other than the names and year mentioned in the title) is unknown to me. The file was first publish...
MS Word - 72.5 KB - MD5: c009b243d20d6807d62d82d3136ca180
Simplified codebook: concordance of equivalent variables in sub-datasets
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