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2,301 to 2,310 of 2,390 Results
Tabular Data - 2.8 KB - 21 Variables, 35 Observations - UNF:6:N1c4P+rNEtKwyUsbrSllOg==
Population figures of Java from 1830 and 1930 as well as reconstructed net migration figures, based upon publications by P. Bleeker, colonial reports (Koloniale Verslagen) as well as the 1930 Census.
Tabular Data - 2.7 KB - 20 Variables, 16 Observations - UNF:6:alTcST+JupkC/wUXwMZXBQ==
Occupational distribution for the Netherlands Indies (1930), British Malaya (1931) and the Philippines (1903 and 1939) based upon the Census Reports for these years.
Tabular Data - 8.0 KB - 14 Variables, 36 Observations - UNF:6:MYsqfuvPv91SwIcuEFtkoQ==
Data on births, deaths, marriages derived from the Guia Official de las Islas Filipinas as well as reconstructed net migration figures for the late 19th C. based upon the 1903 Census of the Philippines.
Tabular Data - 2.2 KB - 9 Variables, 31 Observations - UNF:6:jV3qng219yTc3pBHUweG6w==
Data on the annual number of registered persons making the Hajj from the Netherlands Indies and Malaysia
Mar 28, 2017 - Canada, 1901-1916
Tabular Data - 10.2 KB - 6 Variables, 216 Observations - UNF:6:pHtq+/uq79XdebaE4zWpdg==
Tabular Data - 85.8 KB - 1 Variables, 1224 Observations - UNF:6:yNRFd8NqyPUAjHoEZR0ppQ==
Total population for the Netherlands 1840, derived from 'Volkstellingen' via the HDNG. Provided by Henk Laloli.
Tabular Data - 80.4 KB - 5 Variables, 2417 Observations - UNF:6:lsa4+erz6QZJajgrCCzlRg==
Contains data on total Dutch population size from the HDNG database for 1809 and 1829
Feb 28, 2017 - LICR
Tabular Data - 8.5 KB - 1 Variables, 134 Observations - UNF:6:hd39/WFjNyvoL68FGY4k/w==
Linked International Classification of Religions
Feb 20, 2017 - Taiwan, 1987-2010
Tabular Data - 1.2 KB - 24 Variables, 7 Observations - UNF:6:gSR4pYUT1oS1nn/K9Zwwlg==
Tabular Data - 9.4 MB - 17 Variables, 20923 Observations - UNF:6:f3xC63ywNbwbs3jyZbQhMQ==
The HISCO codification of the Barcelona Historical Marriage Database. All the occupations were written originally in Catalan. In case of an individual had two, three occupations they have been codifyied in the same row together. That's the reason why you will find: Standardized...
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