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6,901 to 6,907 of 6,907 Results
ZIP Archive - 27.0 MB - MD5: 1571ac7cb50c38c25ef8fdc78befadc2
Gzip Archive - 944.1 KB - MD5: bae6821a969e0e1288ceae3a9dc7c3a6
This is de rdf version of the dataset.
ZIP Archive - 2.1 GB - MD5: e8f010c02de15a502769c9a0586826c4
Transcriptions of a total of 4,802,212 page images, comprising inventory numbers 1053-4454 and 7527-11024 from the VOC archives (National Archives, The Hague, archive no. 1.04.02).
ZIP Archive - 124.9 KB - MD5: a9985052bfe4fba0fe26c00c257d0b43
Gzip Archive - 1.9 KB - MD5: 8d4274e183603fcc51cd881448379c8d
RDF metadata
Gzip Archive - 2.5 KB - MD5: 1a0b1a4eb49d21529e76b4cc96b73902
RDF vocabulary
Gzip Archive - 4.2 MB - MD5: 69f67e5f5727c56085c6796e6f122417
RDF version with selection of fields
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