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1,551 to 1,560 of 1,594 Results
Tabular Data - 4.1 KB - 15 Variables, 60 Observations - UNF:6:zjm/fbfiUWE9ActWEFkB5A==
Tabular Data - 11.8 KB - 15 Variables, 176 Observations - UNF:6:bqoJGqLy5jXAKoWJyJPl/g==
Tabular Data - 7.5 KB - 15 Variables, 108 Observations - UNF:6:Ws7x8WeQtvneS0Z1pvsAyg==
Tabular Data - 332 B - 9 Variables, 7 Observations - UNF:6:OwN6bN4eVnMk71naUX5fXQ==
Tabular Data - 17.0 KB - 43 Variables, 81 Observations - UNF:6:wXrwT9rkH1Fc+UAznvFrrQ==
MS Word - 306.2 KB - MD5: 3f89d953f4fdeaa62729b944f63cbe85
Methodological paper
MS Word - 20.3 KB - MD5: 3bf966d13271a37969ace50f5e48dd0f
Guide to SPSS calculations
Tabular Data - 8.1 MB - 40 Variables, 55536 Observations - UNF:6:pfJOPTedAGJOG0fWcuUOvg==
Abridged dataset
MS Excel Spreadsheet - 9.6 MB - MD5: 947a5f4a82644e473e1d1d24961bbebb
Full dataset
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