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1,621 to 1,629 of 1,629 Results
MS Excel Spreadsheet - 95.5 KB - MD5: 94274f02d5b3d9b1f94dc154646d8842
Feb 1, 2023 - GLOBALISE
Hägerdal, Hans, 2023, "Kerajaan2 Indonesia",, IISH Data Collection, V1
This dataset is an alphabetic enumeration of the former princely states of Indonesia, from earliest times to the modern era, with simplified genealogies and order of succession.
Feb 1, 2023 - Kerajaan2 Indonesia
MS Word - 19.8 KB - MD5: bac6932af5fc9f4366a097b82f2403bc
Feb 1, 2023 - Kerajaan2 Indonesia
Adobe PDF - 5.0 MB - MD5: 7f68d04f8f1b81f568ca029a8434a068
Jan 23, 2023 - Historical Database Suriname
Rosenbaum-Feldbrügge, Matthias; van Galen, Coen; Swaters, Doortje, 2023, "Suriname Plantation Dataset Version 1.0",, IISH Data Collection, V1, UNF:6:by8B0cpjp8fexFugrZZ34A== [fileUNF]
The Suriname Plantation Dataset is a dataset containing information about plantations in the former Dutch colony of Suriname between 1830 and 1863, the last decades of slavery in Suriname. Suriname was a plantation colony from about 1650. It came into Dutch hands in 1667 and woul...
Adobe PDF - 200.7 KB - MD5: 3fa665ac139988a6fc4bd6b979981fd4
Description Suriname Plantation Dataset Version 1.0
Tabular Data - 76.1 KB - 21 Variables, 375 Observations - UNF:6:by8B0cpjp8fexFugrZZ34A==
Suriname Plantation Dataset Version 1.0
Historical Database Suriname(Radboud University Nijmegen)
Historical Database Suriname logo
Jan 23, 2023HDSC
The dataverse of the Historical Database Suriname containing datasets and documentation files.
HDSC logo
Jan 23, 2023
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