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11 to 20 of 86 Results
Oct 31, 2022 - Sweden, 1859-1902
MS Excel Spreadsheet - 205.0 KB - MD5: 819a542f893abf6f90c143416af62920
Tabular Data - 307.6 KB - 14 Variables, 2643 Observations - UNF:6:kDrD+xZGUwX2t9zjn5aopg==
Tabular Data - 42.3 KB - 12 Variables, 484 Observations - UNF:6:AKue+zh4+PyGgTTcbjG59g==
Tabular Data - 2.9 KB - 13 Variables, 32 Observations - UNF:6:hVRLlyrsfruVOSv0dj2Qog==
Tabular Data - 8.6 KB - 21 Variables, 54 Observations - UNF:6:/FjbxDeTbljx7Lv3vz61gw==
Tabular Data - 4.0 KB - 16 Variables, 34 Observations - UNF:6:C6MEQsrhiiUYs1arbPYI0Q==
MS Excel Spreadsheet - 131.9 KB - MD5: 66f563a6bf4cc891c860010e43a9012b
Tabular Data - 86.6 KB - 13 Variables, 823 Observations - UNF:6:HojcAF3ZlhPpbrFLRV7loA==
MS Excel Spreadsheet - 201.0 KB - MD5: f2edbb987393acf28b11c80712a26bb5
Tabular Data - 183.2 KB - 14 Variables, 1719 Observations - UNF:6:6Zc/sYIPtjA0IPctBd2Jpw==
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