The Historical International Standard Classification of Occupations (HISCO) allows for all occupational titles in the world from the 18th to the 20th century to be ordered, connected and linked to short descriptions of activities of work. HISCO has a tree-like structure with 9 'major' groups, 76 'minor' groups, 296 'unit' groups and 1675 'micro' groups. The 'leaves' of the tree are formed by the ten-thousands of occupational titles that fall under these 1675 groups. Moving up or down the tree you can find related occupational groups. You may in addition find short definitions of the tasks and duties of an occupational group. HISCO also has subsidiary variables to capture additional information on social STATUS, on the PRODUCT used or on other matters, such as family of temporal reliationships.
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1 to 10 of 20 Results
Tabular Data - 13.6 KB - 5 Variables, 425 Observations - UNF:6:fUt1c768wtTbCN7L0OspLA==
This file contains 5 variables: occupation, hisco, status, relation, product. It contains 425 occupational titles in Italian and their HISCO equivalents. Any provenance on the file (other than the names and year mentioned in the title) is unknown to me. The file was first publish...
Comma Separated Values - 9.9 MB - MD5: 86c99168e57246882476b029a9ecde9f
This is the HSN 2013.01 release in international csv-format with headers.
R Syntax - 580 B - MD5: 42a8a760f93791e0d26a2b3632d5469b
This file reads in the HSN official release hsn_2013a and transposed the format to an international format (e.g. not seperated by colons, but by comma's.)
Comma Separated Values - 10.0 MB - MD5: f99a0a1a58327ae2b2ab51b201aca8d3
HSN 2013 01a version received from Kees Mandemakers (with headers and in Dutch csv-format)
Tabular Data - 2.1 KB - 5 Variables, 94 Observations - UNF:6:D1LukF5VLGp1EbwmKjsDag==
Plain Text - 1.4 KB - MD5: 87dad2f56d19c3858605b3b5039c5b51
Email correspondence
Plain Text - 1.8 KB - MD5: 3578a32421c5c1c098eb7aa852ba63cb
Provenance: Graham Mooney, ‘Diagnostic spaces: workhouse, hospital and home in mid-Victorian London', Social Science History, 30:3 (2009), 357-90.
Tabular Data - 58.6 KB - 5 Variables, 2178 Observations - UNF:6:/up+/6Zv1ma+3m8Qk6bl+A==
Provenance: Graham Mooney, ‘Diagnostic spaces: workhouse, hospital and home in mid-Victorian London', Social Science History, 30:3 (2009), 357-90.
Tabular Data - 62.9 KB - 1 Variables, 2178 Observations - UNF:6:5FaJFA/ckntMZWpx6jtOtA==
Provenance: Graham Mooney, ‘Diagnostic spaces: workhouse, hospital and home in mid-Victorian London', Social Science History, 30:3 (2009), 357-90.
Feb 27, 2016 - HISCLASS
MS Word - 88.0 KB - MD5: 6954cde0595598205476195c9888b7d9
Recently a social class scheme (HISCLASS) based on HISCO has been made by Marco H.D. van Leeuwen and Ineke Maas. You can use the full scheme, with 12 social classes, or the condensed version with 7 classes as e.g. in the 2005 supplement on social homogamy of the International Rev...
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