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11 to 20 of 46 Results
Comma Separated Values - 40.8 MB - MD5: 1b151ee2aeda8f3e22aff7a22ff79aa6
Main dataset 1.1
Adobe PDF - 512.3 KB - MD5: 096efa5ad3708584d4d2c7ad9206c366
Comma Separated Values - 4.8 KB - MD5: 48ee81c27996852ea152b7e09e50fe68
Standardization file religions
Tabular Data - 5.6 KB - 1 Variables, 154 Observations - UNF:6:lGvWmI/h0YzdBUqisHiP7A==
Oct 3, 2023 - HDSC Metadata
Mourits, Rick J; Van Oort, Thunnis; Van Galen, Coen, 2023, "Data entry + forum activity log data, birth certificates Suriname", https://hdl.handle.net/10622/FWUOX3, IISH Data Collection, V2
The 'data entry + forum activity log data' contains anonymized information on the transcription process of birth certificates from the Surinameses civil registry. The birth civil certificates were transcribed by 654 volunteers on the Dutch crowdsourcing platform HetVolk from Sept...
Adobe PDF - 164.2 KB - MD5: 8579ad53ea4924517a1842b5e1296add
Sep 7, 2023
Thunnis van Oort; Philip Dikland, 2023, "Paramaribo ward register of 1846", https://hdl.handle.net/10622/J95OCC, IISH Data Collection, V1, UNF:6:A77gxU0elG8FPnyoD+XnKA== [fileUNF]
This was a pilot project to disclose the Paramaribo ward registers. For the full version see: https://hdl.handle.net/10622/VLN8FD Structured dataset in rdf and csv based on a transcription made by Philip Dikland in 2009 of the ward register ('wijkregister') of Paramaribo in 1846....
JSON - 5.7 KB - MD5: 51009568657926752ef6a9e80e64ace6
This json file was used for the conversion to rdf with COW, containing the information on the enslaved persons
Tabular Data - 241.9 KB - 1 Variables, 5259 Observations - UNF:6:Ygp40NrOI4RHX8uOaWrxxg==
This csv is the basis of the rdf conversion containing the information on the enslaved persons
JSON - 3.7 KB - MD5: 3a4c6f44e1b13649d5ad9fd114f7e2f5
This json file was used for the conversion to rdf with COW, containing location points allowing for historical GIS applications
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