The dataverse of the Historical Database Suriname containing datasets and documentation files.
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Jan 14, 2025
van Oort, Thunnis; Altink, Nico; Swaters, Doortje; Smits, Evi; Pikulić, Damian; Rosenbaum-Feldbrügge, Matthias; Quanjer, Björn; van Galen, Coen, 2025, "Plantations Surinaamse Almanakken",, IISH Data Collection, V1, UNF:6:Ox1N8+NQ4t/c5oZubzDN8A== [fileUNF]
The dataset Plantations Surinaamse Almanakken is based on list of plantations, published in the Surinaamsche Almanak (1818-1847) and the Almanak voor de Nederlandsche West-Indische bezittingen, en de kust van Guinea (1856-1861). New editions of the almanacks were published for mo...
Jul 16, 2024
Van Oort, Thunnis; Rosenbaum-Feldbrügge, Matthias; Van Galen, Coen, 2024, "Suriname Death Certificates 1845-1915 Version 1.0",, IISH Data Collection, V1, UNF:6:1lJwGRg+akAYxW+EivMoig== [fileUNF]
In 1828 in the Dutch colony of Suriname a civil registry was introduced according to the Dutch civil registration model (which in turn was based on the model introduced during the First French Republic). Suriname is a former Dutch plantation colony on the northern coast of South...
Jul 16, 2024
Rosenbaum-Feldbrügge, Matthias; Mourits, Rick J; Van Oort, Thunnis; Van Galen, Coen, 2024, "Paramaribo Birth Certificates 1828-1921 Version 1.0",, IISH Data Collection, V1, UNF:6:uDjHodT7aCCwz1MxEo4FWQ== [fileUNF]
In 1828 in the Dutch colony of Suriname a civil registry was introduced according to the Dutch civil registration model (which in turn was based on the model introduced during the First French Republic). Suriname is a former Dutch plantation colony on the northern coast of South...
May 31, 2023
Rosenbaum-Feldbrügge, Matthias; Mourits, Rick J; A.B., Maartje; Janssen, Jasmijn; Quanjer, Björn; van Oort, Thunnis; Kok, Jan; van Galen, Coen, 2023, "Suriname Slave and Emancipation Registers Dataset Version 1.1",, IISH Data Collection, V2, UNF:6:dAxCcpfg7HV+ZFYz2WFn8g== [fileUNF]
The slave register in the former Dutch colony of Suriname was established by Royal Decree in 1826 to combat the illegal international trade in enslaved people. Slave owners had to report the people in their possession and every mutation (such as births, deaths, purchases, and sal...
Jan 23, 2023
Rosenbaum-Feldbrügge, Matthias; van Galen, Coen; Swaters, Doortje, 2023, "Suriname Plantation Dataset Version 1.0",, IISH Data Collection, V1, UNF:6:by8B0cpjp8fexFugrZZ34A== [fileUNF]
The Suriname Plantation Dataset is a dataset containing information about plantations in the former Dutch colony of Suriname between 1830 and 1863, the last decades of slavery in Suriname. Suriname was a plantation colony from about 1650. It came into Dutch hands in 1667 and woul...
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