This dataverse contains the Historical Database of Dutch Municipalities (Historische Database Nederlandse Gemeenten (HDNG)), which provides a wide range of characteristics of Dutch municipalities in the period 1800- ca. 1970. Please report issues (or praise) via Github, where we also keep the scripts we use to edit these files.
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151 to 160 of 1,250 Results
Unknown - 53.3 MB - MD5: 3653eeda893c3576871a839892d23085
Polygon layer of the HALC dataset for the cross-section 1500
Unknown - 428.3 KB - MD5: 3b26411ef8cbeb30f747b5a835b523d8
QGIS Style file
MS Excel Spreadsheet - 69.6 KB - MD5: d388492c595b622e17c1720324ea7d9e
Codebook for the HALC dataset
Unknown - 7.0 MB - MD5: 6463d1417134a05822449b230f6be3ab
Point/gazetteer layer of the HALC dataset
Unknown - 1.1 MB - MD5: dc6b837a4a290171cddc04aef5dae89c
Polygon layer of the HALC dataset (unidentified localities)
Unknown - 2.8 MB - MD5: 38d10ca87187048e59e75a588d50d648
Point/gazetteer layer of the HALC dataset (unidentified localities)
Unknown - 11.5 MB - MD5: 148a87b8fee6dbc52fdd96950ca88fca
Polygon layer of the HALC dataset representing landscape features for the cross-section 1500
Unknown - 53.5 KB - MD5: e40adda36e66c49e5221ddfaec5dcbfd
QGIS Style file
Tabular Data - 84.9 KB - 50 Variables, 460 Observations - UNF:6:Wor1vir/Te7Up3TI47Z6ig==
Tabular Data - 2.1 KB - 50 Variables, 9 Observations - UNF:6:fvaaJvKK3lBPWBig32Jt1w==
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