This dataverse contains the Historical Database of Dutch Municipalities (Historische Database Nederlandse Gemeenten (HDNG)), which provides a wide range of characteristics of Dutch municipalities in the period 1800- ca. 1970. Please report issues (or praise) via Github, where we also keep the scripts we use to edit these files.
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MS Word - 136.1 KB - MD5: 02ada015df9a2555c3c4aad783654e6c
HISGIS(International Institute of Social History)
Dec 17, 2019Low Countries Data Collection (1350-present)
HISGIS allows for traveling through time as if it were TomTom or Google Maps.
Adobe PDF - 30.2 MB - MD5: 8d6c4981a974ac7ed24a78b74690155a
R. Fruin, Enqueste ende informatie upt stuck van der reductie ende reformatie van den schiltaelen, voertijts getaxeert ende gestelt geweest over de landen van Hollant ende Vrieslant. Gedaen in den jaere MCCCCXCIIII (Leiden 1876)
Adobe PDF - 58.0 MB - MD5: 0ab81de9c89e6df8f74ec45106cdbdbe
R. Fruin, Informacie up den staet faculteyt ende gelegenheyt van de steden ende dorpen van Hollant ende Vrieslant om daernae te reguleren de nyeuwe schiltaele. Gedaen in den jaere MDXIV (Leiden 1866)
Adobe PDF - 20.1 MB - MD5: 94aef3043f17f73af5dc267ac85c238b
J.C. Naber, 'Een terugblik, Statistische bewerking van de resultaten van de Informacie van 1514', Bijdragen van het Statistisch Instituut (1885)
Adobe PDF - 3.0 MB - MD5: 984110030640c1922bf851b24a8e21da
J.C. Naber, 'Eene rectificatie', Bijdragen van het Statistisch Instituut (1890)
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R. Fruin, Zettingen en omslagen van 1496, 1515 en 1518. Bijvoegsel op de uitgaven der Informatie van 1514 en der Enqueste van 1496 (Leiden 1877)
Low Countries Hearth and Population Censuses(International Institute of Social History)
Low Countries Hearth and Population Censuses logo
Apr 15, 2019Low Countries Data Collection
This collection will host digitised premodern hearth and population censuses for the Low Countries (ca. 1350-1800)
Low Countries Data Collection(International Institute of Social History)
Low Countries Data Collection logo
Apr 15, 2019IISH Data Collection
This data collection hosts an array of quantitative data sets relating to the medieval, early-modern, or modern Low Countries (more or less coinciding with present-day Netherlands, Belgium, and Luxembourg).
Comma Separated Values - 480.1 KB - MD5: 03306fe61ca419372bd9711b0d72cd0c
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