This dataverse contains the Historical Database of Dutch Municipalities (Historische Database Nederlandse Gemeenten (HDNG)), which provides a wide range of characteristics of Dutch municipalities in the period 1800- ca. 1970. Please report issues (or praise) via Github, where we also keep the scripts we use to edit these files.
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951 to 960 of 1,241 Results
May 9, 2020 - Low Countries Hearth and Population Censuses
Oostindiër, Arend Elias; Stapel, Rombert, 2020, "Fiscal repartitions for the Duchy of Brabant (1383-1572)",, IISH Data Collection, V1, UNF:6:6LrORZ6vX6BYSbhcYxnV7Q== [fileUNF]
This dataset contains a number of files containing subsidies (bede or aide) for the Duchy of Brabant, starting from 1383. The dataset is linked to the GIS dataset Historical Atlas of the Low Countries (1350-1800). The 1383/1385 data was collected and digitised with the great help...
Tabular Data - 806 B - 2 Variables, 16 Observations - UNF:6:KZnB/FnpbPHG6aoKsoxQpA==
DocumentationGeospatialTime Series
Tabular Data - 245.0 KB - 17 Variables, 837 Observations - UNF:6:j1ixAHXzB4N5ZgZ+tJJ5qw==
DataGeospatialTime Series
Duchy of Brabant and Lordship of Mechelen, not including the County of Flanders
Tabular Data - 867 B - 2 Variables, 15 Observations - UNF:6:GC7Oge7pnpKg719FOznUHg==
DocumentationGeospatialTime Series
Tabular Data - 139.2 KB - 15 Variables, 594 Observations - UNF:6:6j51jWLA9XrsEfWLdEjwqg==
DataGeospatialTime Series
Tabular Data - 2.8 KB - 2 Variables, 34 Observations - UNF:6:w08lH7kBJAjqK3d0Ndru0w==
DocumentationGeospatialTime Series
Tabular Data - 74.6 KB - 35 Variables, 324 Observations - UNF:6:9FVJKIPOfVtvw1zatuKo2g==
DataGeospatialTime Series
Only includes the quarters of Brussels, Leuven, and 's-Hertogenbosch, as well as the contributing prelates. The quarters of Antwerp, Tienen, and Walloon Brabant (or Nivelles) are not digitised.
Tabular Data - 1003 B - 2 Variables, 6 Observations - UNF:6:7ltpw+vNq61FhTYMI+JxIA==
DocumentationGeospatialTime Series
Tabular Data - 57.0 KB - 7 Variables, 1136 Observations - UNF:6:N0xxn5n+Pw2RcfW3/njvUA==
DataGeospatialTime Series
May 9, 2020 - Low Countries Hearth and Population Censuses
Stapel, Rombert, 2020, "Hearth and Population Censuses for the Duchy of Brabant (1374-1800)",, IISH Data Collection, V2, UNF:6:uTNneEYuou30JW3VNJD3xQ== [fileUNF]
This dataset contains a number of files containing hearth and population censuses for the Duchy of Brabant and Lordship of Mechelen, starting from 1374. The dataset is linked to the GIS dataset Historical Atlas of the Low Countries (1350-1800). The data was collected and digitise...
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