ANDB members’ life courses (hdl:10622/X3M1QA)


Part 1: Document Description
Part 2: Study Description
Part 3: Data Files Description
Entire Codebook

Document Description



ANDB members’ life courses

Identification Number:



IISH Data Collection

Date of Distribution:




Bibliographic Citation:

Mourits, Rick J; Mandemakers, Kees; Kok, Joris; Hofmeester, Karin; Commandeur, Walfried; Schimmel, Kirsten; Sijbrands, Reinier; Koster, Marja; Zijdeman, Richard L, 2024, "ANDB members’ life courses",, IISH Data Collection, V1, UNF:6:8uZPkFnJtKFBj5i5mfZclA== [fileUNF]

Study Description



ANDB members’ life courses

Identification Number:


Authoring Entity:

Mourits, Rick J (IISG)

Mandemakers, Kees (IISG)

Kok, Joris (IISG)

Hofmeester, Karin (IISG)

Commandeur, Walfried (IISG)

Schimmel, Kirsten (IISG)

Sijbrands, Reinier (IISG)

Koster, Marja (IISG)

Zijdeman, Richard L (IISG)


IISH Data Collection

Access Authority:

International Institute of Social History


Mourits, Rick J

Date of Deposit:


Holdings Information:

Study Scope


Arts and Humanities, Social Sciences, HSN, ANDB


De Amsterdamse diamantsector vormde de bakermat van de in 1894 door Henri Polak opgerichte Algemene Nederlandse Diamantbewerkersbond (ANDB), de eerste moderne vakbond en voorloper van het huidige FNV. Hier waren veel joodse (en niet-joodse) Amsterdammers bij aangesloten en de bond behartigde niet alleen de directe belangen van hun leden, maar richtte zich ook op ‘verheffing’ en vormde zo een belangrijk etnisch/religieus gemengd sociaal netwerk voor de verdere integratie van joodse Nederlanders. <br> <br> De ANDB members' life courses brengen de levenslopen, beroepsveranderingen en verhuisgeschiedenis op individueel niveau systematisch in kaart met behulp van het Amsterdamse bevolkingsregister. <br> <br> De bewaard gebleven ledenadministratie van de ANDB is beschikbaar via:

Methodology and Processing

Sources Statement

Data Access


I, hereinafter called the researcher, accept the following. In respect of the LINKS dataset based on the WieWasWie index of names in registrations, made available to him/her by the International Institute of Social History (hereinafter called: IISG) by the department of Data & Collection Management (hereinafter called: DCM) and the Centre for Family History (hereinafter called: CBG), that the researcher: 1 will consult the data incorporated in the dataset solely for the purpose of scientific research or statistics, and that these data are required for specific research purposes or specific statistics; 2 will provide the IISG with the title and aim of the research (maximum 50 words) for each dataset provided by the IISG and each research subject that will be undertaken by the researcher; 3 agrees that he/she will be included in the license register that is kept by the IISG with each licensed dataset and each specific research and this information will be shared with CBG; 4 agrees that he/she will keep the IISG informed about each new intended subject of research with each licensed dataset, so that the IISG is able to upkeep the license register; 5 agrees that the IISG will inform all involved researchers in case the same subject is investigated by more than one researcher or research group; 6 guarantees that he or she will strictly observe all the statutory regulations concerning the data contained in the dataset, including, in particular, the provisions contained in or based on General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR; Regulation EU 2016/679) as implemented by the Uitvoeringswet Algemene Verordening Gegevensbescherming (UAVG; Staatsblad 2018, 144); 7 is acquainted with the privacy regulations of the DCM and in using the dataset will strictly observe these regulations, in particular by warranting the anonymity of the data and guaranteeing that the results for which the data are used cannot be traced back to individual natural persons; 8 will not use the data in the dataset in order to search for additional information about individual persons, regardless of whether these persons are included in the dataset; except with written consent by the IISG; 9 recognizes that all the intellectual or industrial property rights in the dataset, the software, the hardware or other (accompanying) materials remain with IISG and or CBG or its licensors, and certifies that he or she will not reproduce or copy (parts of) the dataset, the software or other (accompanying) materials for other than internal use; 10 indemnifies IISG and CBG against all claims made by third parties, arising from violation by him or her of the statutory regulations concerning the data, including violation of the on General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR; Regulation EU 2016/679); 11 undertakes to keep secret the data in the dataset, not to divulge them to, put them at the disposal of or make them available for use by third parties, and to utilize them solely for the purpose for which IISG/CBG has provided them to him or her; 12 will not alter, add to or remove data in the dataset without the written consent of the IISG; 13 will transfer all enrichment to the dataset like coding or linking results to the DCM as soon as possible; 14 will report to DCM all errors, inconsistencies or ambiguities found by him or her as soon as possible; 15 in case of publication of the results in any form (presentations, books, articles etc.) for which he or she has used the dataset in a direct or indirect way, he or she will mention WieWasWie as source and administrator of the data and credit the IISG according to the citation rules of the DCM which will be provided by the DCM in the documentation belonging to each specific dataset; 16 notifying the DCM of all kind of publications (presentations, books, articles etc.) for which he or she has used the dataset and send a copy of each publication to DCM; 17 will pay to the IISG the amount of € nihil to compensate the costs of making the dataset available.

Other Study Description Materials

File Description--f33627

File: b2

  • Number of cases: 40440

  • No. of variables per record: 29

  • Type of File: text/tab-separated-values



File Description--f33625

File: b3

  • Number of cases: 227370

  • No. of variables per record: 22

  • Type of File: text/tab-separated-values



File Description--f33628

File: b4

  • Number of cases: 5067

  • No. of variables per record: 12

  • Type of File: text/tab-separated-values



File Description--f33626

File: b6

  • Number of cases: 34089

  • No. of variables per record: 23

  • Type of File: text/tab-separated-values

