India 1800, 1900, 2000 [Global Collaboratory on the History of Labour Relations 1500-2000 Dataset] (hdl:10622/5RVUII)


Part 1: Document Description
Part 2: Study Description
Part 3: Data Files Description
Part 4: Variable Description
Part 5: Other Study-Related Materials
Entire Codebook

Document Description



India 1800, 1900, 2000 [Global Collaboratory on the History of Labour Relations 1500-2000 Dataset]

Identification Number:



IISH Data Collection

Date of Distribution:




Bibliographic Citation:

Lucassen, Jan; Stapel, Rombert, 2023, "India 1800, 1900, 2000 [Global Collaboratory on the History of Labour Relations 1500-2000 Dataset]",, IISH Data Collection, V1, UNF:6:jTGhYmTIItV66hEOrUMvOw== [fileUNF]

Study Description



India 1800, 1900, 2000 [Global Collaboratory on the History of Labour Relations 1500-2000 Dataset]

Identification Number:


Authoring Entity:

Lucassen, Jan (International Institute of Social History)

Stapel, Rombert (International Institute of Social History)

Other identifications and acknowledgements:

Jansen, Daan


IISH Data Collection

Access Authority:

Stapel, Rombert


Jansen, Daan

Date of Deposit:


Holdings Information:

Study Scope


Arts and Humanities, Social Sciences


Labour Relations in India: 1800, 1900 and 2000 based on research conducted by Jan Lucassen and Rombert Stapel, some data corrected by Daan Jansen. Data for 1800 is limited to Deccan. Data on Deccan has been included in a separate database for 1900, and data on Bihar has been included in a separate database for 1900 and 2000. In addition, a digitization of Sykes's report on the Deccan used for the 1800 dataset has been uploaded.

Time Period:



India, India, India

Geographic Coverage:

Deccan, Asia, Bihar, Asia, Asia

Geographic Bounding Box:

  • West Bounding Longitude: 68.14422723110251
  • East Bounding Longitude: 97.38053625833091
  • South Bounding Latitude: 6.74582709010167
  • North Bounding Latitude: 35.5056181168864

Geographic Bounding Box:

  • West Bounding Longitude: 73.838537
  • East Bounding Longitude: 73.844703
  • South Bounding Latitude: 18.513129
  • North Bounding Latitude: 18.517789

Geographic Bounding Box:

  • West Bounding Longitude: 83.3213
  • East Bounding Longitude: 88.2982
  • South Bounding Latitude: 24.2857
  • North Bounding Latitude: 27.5216

Kind of Data:

Collaboratory Dataset

Methodology and Processing

Sources Statement

Data Access


For use of this dataset a <strong>CC-BY</strong> license applies. This means that users may share, copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format, adapt, remix, transform, and build upon the material, for any purpose, even commercially. Users must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. If users remix, transform, or build upon the material, they must distribute depositor’s contributions under the same license as the original. Users may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the depositor endorses the user or her/his use. Users may not apply legal terms or technological measures that legally restrict others from doing anything the license permits. <br><br>More information and the full license text is available at: <a href="" target="_link"></a>

Other Study Description Materials

Related Publications


Bibliographic Citation:

Jan Lucassen & Rombert Stapel, Shifts in Labour Relations in India 1800-2000 (2014) presented at the 10th International Conference on Labour History, Noida (India), 22-24 March 2014.


Bibliographic Citation:

Jan Lucassen, “Wage Labour and Other Forms of Remuneration in the Deccan in the 1820s” in: Jan Lucassen & Radhika Seshan (eds.), Wage Earners in India: Regional Approaches in an International Context (2022).

File Description--f10758

File: Bihar

  • Number of cases: 65535

  • No. of variables per record: 42

  • Type of File: text/tab-separated-values



File Description--f10755

File: Bihar and Johore

  • Number of cases: 65535

  • No. of variables per record: 42

  • Type of File: text/tab-separated-values



File Description--f10760

File: Deccan

  • Number of cases: 65535

  • No. of variables per record: 42

  • Type of File: text/tab-separated-values



File Description--f10759

File: Deccan

  • Number of cases: 65535

  • No. of variables per record: 42

  • Type of File: text/tab-separated-values



File Description--f10761

File: India

  • Number of cases: 65535

  • No. of variables per record: 42

  • Type of File: text/tab-separated-values



File Description--f10757

File: India

  • Number of cases: 65535

  • No. of variables per record: 42

  • Type of File: text/tab-separated-values



File Description--f10769

File: Sykes - Report on the

  • Number of cases: 29

  • No. of variables per record: 12

  • Type of File: text/tab-separated-values



Variable Description

List of Variables:



f10758 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:xWj1l3X+dAZhus1ykSBt1w==


f10758 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:O6+EAThhvJjk3wNPSXJCCQ==


f10758 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:CY1b688xU/Bc0IBawXvSMQ==


f10758 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:CY1b688xU/Bc0IBawXvSMQ==


f10758 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:FLs2rx3Mvlh3wNzYpRc1Yg==


f10758 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:CY1b688xU/Bc0IBawXvSMQ==


f10758 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:CY1b688xU/Bc0IBawXvSMQ==


f10758 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:jQJOJo2qvBGAPNZ5h1yglA==


f10758 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:fJxA06Cybpys6OvdfAA+fg==


f10758 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:HAMR6oP7AvyOGH+lkUdsEA==


f10758 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:eiIyerivfoZNz7pnJERVrw==


f10758 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:YNBKon2ZDq9gUe1yfzY83A==


f10758 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:EoozQOnSfuKww7avGNRHyA==


f10758 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:EoozQOnSfuKww7avGNRHyA==


f10758 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:PUQOmNIYscG4fbjdmWjf5Q==


f10758 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:iz2YEoanocAxk0h+CXtHPQ==


f10758 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:8eELd44k8ORluijPrqUsuQ==


f10758 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:E6NUOUUeZ3n0n7eZX2zPJA==


f10758 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:FjcSCCf0C/raXDD4SpmnuQ==


f10758 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:Ir5tnjieoUa8wzzacdIMwg==


f10758 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:8dd6d3raGQ2Tor4EHE/Hng==


f10758 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:5GN0CM1CKehftkizjZTOMA==


f10758 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:jQJOJo2qvBGAPNZ5h1yglA==


f10758 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:rmv0hY1jpHHT+K5Qc1aTcQ==


f10758 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:jQJOJo2qvBGAPNZ5h1yglA==


f10758 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:jQJOJo2qvBGAPNZ5h1yglA==


f10758 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:jQJOJo2qvBGAPNZ5h1yglA==


f10758 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:jQJOJo2qvBGAPNZ5h1yglA==


f10758 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:jQJOJo2qvBGAPNZ5h1yglA==


f10758 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:jQJOJo2qvBGAPNZ5h1yglA==


f10758 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:4e16OLt9Tan2LWvN+CyC/g==


f10758 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:gRZ+bTLvmYCLkA+APuMMcw==


f10758 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:DLGJlV4gRIHoBcuABbitkA==


f10758 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:oIe+ydhbxgJuhjNwNtI7NA==


f10758 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:1NQ1/J1+hnmPjwx1EYqjog==


f10758 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:usVToLZtDEasm5lMuAdz3Q==


f10758 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:WeN1iHsbAIckLFjBtQAIEQ==


f10758 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:2ug8F1XvC/wT5jN44TytcQ==


f10758 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:KeQJINmR2fgsU/f0sSUd0w==


f10758 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:jQJOJo2qvBGAPNZ5h1yglA==


f10758 Location:

Summary Statistics: Mean NaN; Min. NaN; StDev NaN; Max. NaN; Valid 0.0

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:4Fzzi6T5QxOkOmipiAQcaA==


f10758 Location:

Summary Statistics: Mean NaN; Max. NaN; Min. NaN; StDev NaN; Valid 0.0

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:4Fzzi6T5QxOkOmipiAQcaA==


f10755 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:xWj1l3X+dAZhus1ykSBt1w==


f10755 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:O6+EAThhvJjk3wNPSXJCCQ==


f10755 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:CY1b688xU/Bc0IBawXvSMQ==


f10755 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:CY1b688xU/Bc0IBawXvSMQ==


f10755 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:i4vLrNPRynpc5AqeOruOiA==


f10755 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:CY1b688xU/Bc0IBawXvSMQ==


f10755 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:CY1b688xU/Bc0IBawXvSMQ==


f10755 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:dw0pv3VmQnqISRqVcXk3aQ==


f10755 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:zom1/9fWhl0zd9WXrR/NfA==


f10755 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:xoLJUhi2SJGVk+MIWcrgsQ==


f10755 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:tSCjXYkAfZL0/qf2I0v1gg==


f10755 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:ulkYh/oekUVQjJ4tk9+mIw==


f10755 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:47+xEhAC1OdpLDLP5+VfLw==


f10755 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:47+xEhAC1OdpLDLP5+VfLw==


f10755 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:a0Wo9BhtZ9fav4aUgV7xMA==


f10755 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:RKnfvXZ6t7CTyUz8vGqOng==


f10755 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:Eu3sFM/ZXrXmybuMD3DXAQ==


f10755 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:WwoCL3/4K9dkOj3Y8DjWSg==


f10755 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:xzfahZok7zU4phqaZct85w==


f10755 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:Jat/crE3wCGFLV/EUKXpNQ==


f10755 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:sWv8Z1JBPa77zp7n84w8kA==


f10755 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:3tAU4jTRuuLPT5FynbpjOQ==


f10755 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:dw0pv3VmQnqISRqVcXk3aQ==


f10755 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:rVhEjBTnnOTB9XEaGF3oNA==


f10755 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:dw0pv3VmQnqISRqVcXk3aQ==


f10755 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:dw0pv3VmQnqISRqVcXk3aQ==


f10755 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:dw0pv3VmQnqISRqVcXk3aQ==


f10755 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:dw0pv3VmQnqISRqVcXk3aQ==


f10755 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:dw0pv3VmQnqISRqVcXk3aQ==


f10755 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:dw0pv3VmQnqISRqVcXk3aQ==


f10755 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:H9cb/7bsz7sFajH3N2qggA==


f10755 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:MRdYWKo4199HV0suSeNpRw==


f10755 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:sQ9XZr9KOx7hNFOZ11cxMA==


f10755 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:8gfS4cuFMD0n5ZL99nvEOA==


f10755 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:BLNetjDdaIHXAZ5/Z+wUbw==


f10755 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:RM14E66Em+FElnKslMUX9Q==


f10755 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:bI1ldWAz4u1abizeVke1yw==


f10755 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:GFuWNmrP5QzJj/dT1zyHEw==


f10755 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:TD7fo/9AR9UQ9+z3yJr6+Q==


f10755 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:dw0pv3VmQnqISRqVcXk3aQ==


f10755 Location:

Summary Statistics: Max. NaN; Valid 0.0; Mean NaN; StDev NaN; Min. NaN

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:4Fzzi6T5QxOkOmipiAQcaA==


f10755 Location:

Summary Statistics: StDev NaN; Max. NaN; Mean NaN; Min. NaN; Valid 0.0

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:4Fzzi6T5QxOkOmipiAQcaA==


f10760 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:xWj1l3X+dAZhus1ykSBt1w==


f10760 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:O6+EAThhvJjk3wNPSXJCCQ==


f10760 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:CY1b688xU/Bc0IBawXvSMQ==


f10760 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:CY1b688xU/Bc0IBawXvSMQ==


f10760 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:hdWfIAp7HDlPuDVZ//uluw==


f10760 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:CY1b688xU/Bc0IBawXvSMQ==


f10760 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:CY1b688xU/Bc0IBawXvSMQ==


f10760 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:jfTGpUrHtD6mHMfsSrZuhA==


f10760 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:Reg8EsmcjiStMlouFyiSyw==


f10760 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:T+9eLJhUIMzVcZyeR3wNVg==


f10760 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:RJkZiv4dfuHwAOJkUD/2+w==


f10760 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:G5Lbt2gtvYwkFE+AsTHpzg==


f10760 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:xSNdo8brJi49O1OxQYtCyQ==


f10760 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:xSNdo8brJi49O1OxQYtCyQ==


f10760 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:vGMBxVtCAQP1Dr+w7yyVBw==


f10760 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:rNXv+JVyU7ubEbdLMVt9sQ==


f10760 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:m1aGw7oRedC07jQnHpdTsA==


f10760 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:/vglVoAg14at/f65hvshSQ==


f10760 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:uxaPtNGD3eICVKV6PboruA==


f10760 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:fEEm9QxJZ+T82Ul4mrnM8Q==


f10760 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:m9YvxoDJnHkdbwu7hlyxFA==


f10760 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:NfBLSaVxJYm+Vtc9/yhFGQ==


f10760 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:D3RjIJdWZRtVXySKJkNY2g==


f10760 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:aOnoNe0BzluuNTqmjxxGoQ==


f10760 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:UZF6SoOEnv0SD7wHucKhPQ==


f10760 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:UZF6SoOEnv0SD7wHucKhPQ==


f10760 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:UZF6SoOEnv0SD7wHucKhPQ==


f10760 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:UZF6SoOEnv0SD7wHucKhPQ==


f10760 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:UZF6SoOEnv0SD7wHucKhPQ==


f10760 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:UZF6SoOEnv0SD7wHucKhPQ==


f10760 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:Y2D5u/arwnQOw0LShxgldw==


f10760 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:ysNQxMExTAfSdcUP+Yju0A==


f10760 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:ysNQxMExTAfSdcUP+Yju0A==


f10760 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:K/RwOCHjiypeGUd++ZEs1A==


f10760 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:QCBk27cKBMxcQ5a8koPNyw==


f10760 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:uPyCjZX214t7sLpiNIC7SA==


f10760 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:+4bWgjN1fmdkNtlYGaZLfw==


f10760 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:uPyCjZX214t7sLpiNIC7SA==


f10760 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:+4bWgjN1fmdkNtlYGaZLfw==


f10760 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:UZF6SoOEnv0SD7wHucKhPQ==


f10760 Location:

Summary Statistics: StDev NaN; Mean NaN; Max. NaN; Min. NaN; Valid 0.0

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:4Fzzi6T5QxOkOmipiAQcaA==


f10760 Location:

Summary Statistics: Mean NaN; Min. NaN; StDev NaN; Valid 0.0; Max. NaN

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:4Fzzi6T5QxOkOmipiAQcaA==


f10759 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:xWj1l3X+dAZhus1ykSBt1w==


f10759 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:O6+EAThhvJjk3wNPSXJCCQ==


f10759 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:CY1b688xU/Bc0IBawXvSMQ==


f10759 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:CY1b688xU/Bc0IBawXvSMQ==


f10759 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:W5UjlxAPDF3aeEJNC5hofA==


f10759 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:CY1b688xU/Bc0IBawXvSMQ==


f10759 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:CY1b688xU/Bc0IBawXvSMQ==


f10759 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:kAG7eqTvv8pTlzh9VDkxgg==


f10759 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:VFvWLU587wfXQVchUYGpFA==


f10759 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:B+RKty8pwY7lSov5Ya0YNg==


f10759 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:Tr3R9tA89yFwk1S5AgnNwA==


f10759 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:pWj2+iKHmfxQT5m5/uLArQ==


f10759 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:LAieZbAy5XSBxchNb5/kLg==


f10759 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:LAieZbAy5XSBxchNb5/kLg==


f10759 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:mjvhZNoxk5JcIozYABDycw==


f10759 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:VmLLtInFHWu/99KoA2I+Kw==


f10759 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:8HFiz8ducsOFEFpIqE/J+Q==


f10759 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:MTKTRpHpKv6tUUQotr/VRQ==


f10759 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:8PeEnnap6zlQPZUsZ5Xwbw==


f10759 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:HLpZv7+LBuTYL0FcfTkpKA==


f10759 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:LXTAh7RDYxti20BBq4ZopA==


f10759 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:75FzF+wmKnLT3oiul0Ou/Q==


f10759 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:7EDLqaLBUpQ/sSj9PUNy7w==


f10759 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:e1eIlChwLZOxKjr5VjRUbw==


f10759 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:7EDLqaLBUpQ/sSj9PUNy7w==


f10759 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:7EDLqaLBUpQ/sSj9PUNy7w==


f10759 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:7EDLqaLBUpQ/sSj9PUNy7w==


f10759 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:7EDLqaLBUpQ/sSj9PUNy7w==


f10759 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:7EDLqaLBUpQ/sSj9PUNy7w==


f10759 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:7EDLqaLBUpQ/sSj9PUNy7w==


f10759 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:U3k0R71a+KQ8Wn369A9hIw==


f10759 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:TS472DNv1ClGguQ3+thhyA==


f10759 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:Pv86Z7Rqw0vJ2/kE+KJyag==


f10759 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:z8+5Q0a+RBjgkLtYHOZghQ==


f10759 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:g25gG9mmxu+ACAMoWfhFxw==


f10759 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:8HhhwxnJZtLzI9WWQq8EHw==


f10759 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:Eu1hZxT9JY9lpV9o0RXTdw==


f10759 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:/3/6xtTa0IJgBT04boP8/Q==


f10759 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:yiA57NBv2KDD7Q8VZKPZWw==


f10759 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:7EDLqaLBUpQ/sSj9PUNy7w==


f10759 Location:

Summary Statistics: StDev NaN; Valid 0.0; Max. NaN; Mean NaN; Min. NaN;

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:4Fzzi6T5QxOkOmipiAQcaA==


f10759 Location:

Summary Statistics: Max. NaN; Mean NaN; Valid 0.0; StDev NaN; Min. NaN;

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:4Fzzi6T5QxOkOmipiAQcaA==


f10761 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:xWj1l3X+dAZhus1ykSBt1w==


f10761 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:O6+EAThhvJjk3wNPSXJCCQ==


f10761 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:CY1b688xU/Bc0IBawXvSMQ==


f10761 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:CY1b688xU/Bc0IBawXvSMQ==


f10761 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:RHMosO0E96XPelNbPnNAew==


f10761 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:CY1b688xU/Bc0IBawXvSMQ==


f10761 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:CY1b688xU/Bc0IBawXvSMQ==


f10761 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:iuNk6yGgbW+fF0mXX/ebeA==


f10761 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:58IxJ4m7wOz3J8syQJAaSQ==


f10761 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:iuNk6yGgbW+fF0mXX/ebeA==


f10761 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:q+kUo6I0CosG2yOYJygBZg==


f10761 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:0kw0WozO2B8bUku/BgxP/w==


f10761 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:4eQHJfS8qDOBI3wrljfbtw==


f10761 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:4eQHJfS8qDOBI3wrljfbtw==


f10761 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:xJYJz3seF9ep3p2X8gvQeA==


f10761 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:vZAV2PssAdHyUoARFLiANw==


f10761 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:QVWeoiVhoQlzA4oxojJN/Q==


f10761 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:de940skAt8dUEAevVV4mBw==


f10761 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:FdjQzgNoOqheo9fq04yjoA==


f10761 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:MXaN4ntklN8THArxwagKcw==


f10761 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:VRMS1n1iq+uVwgM7IyL7Vg==


f10761 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:YvudvbUXVt/n+ZmlsfOTvw==


f10761 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:iuNk6yGgbW+fF0mXX/ebeA==


f10761 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:UZpCFGinK9baqHNgQ/d1zQ==


f10761 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:iuNk6yGgbW+fF0mXX/ebeA==


f10761 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:iuNk6yGgbW+fF0mXX/ebeA==


f10761 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:iuNk6yGgbW+fF0mXX/ebeA==


f10761 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:iuNk6yGgbW+fF0mXX/ebeA==


f10761 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:iuNk6yGgbW+fF0mXX/ebeA==


f10761 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:iuNk6yGgbW+fF0mXX/ebeA==


f10761 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:q+HQFuEj4EO6myUbK2KdDQ==


f10761 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:HvlT0K4fxDhlnpUMZ97ilg==


f10761 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:7SHB3Ubjj/wqn6dNZ2bBPQ==


f10761 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:2x42Ltd3oFaA0GMYlGK2hg==


f10761 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:D+cbrglxQJSncB2WuxH4AQ==


f10761 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:R1EuNWZOgfbyHe+/wqu5cg==


f10761 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:TDuUCmmESyn5h/g1Szx1CA==


f10761 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:+U+CtYzyN+dq8sxNS80kPg==


f10761 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:Ee4ksNLNfgk4Py/So+pqkQ==


f10761 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:iuNk6yGgbW+fF0mXX/ebeA==


f10761 Location:

Summary Statistics: Valid 0.0; Max. NaN; Min. NaN; StDev NaN; Mean NaN

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:4Fzzi6T5QxOkOmipiAQcaA==


f10761 Location:

Summary Statistics: Mean NaN; Max. NaN; Min. NaN; Valid 0.0; StDev NaN;

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:4Fzzi6T5QxOkOmipiAQcaA==


f10757 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:xWj1l3X+dAZhus1ykSBt1w==


f10757 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:O6+EAThhvJjk3wNPSXJCCQ==


f10757 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:CY1b688xU/Bc0IBawXvSMQ==


f10757 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:CY1b688xU/Bc0IBawXvSMQ==


f10757 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:i4vLrNPRynpc5AqeOruOiA==


f10757 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:CY1b688xU/Bc0IBawXvSMQ==


f10757 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:CY1b688xU/Bc0IBawXvSMQ==


f10757 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:dw0pv3VmQnqISRqVcXk3aQ==


f10757 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:zom1/9fWhl0zd9WXrR/NfA==


f10757 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:dw0pv3VmQnqISRqVcXk3aQ==


f10757 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:tSCjXYkAfZL0/qf2I0v1gg==


f10757 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:0ZtVXmJ9FuPNQgEXDqh+Dg==


f10757 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:47+xEhAC1OdpLDLP5+VfLw==


f10757 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:47+xEhAC1OdpLDLP5+VfLw==


f10757 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:a0Wo9BhtZ9fav4aUgV7xMA==


f10757 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:RKnfvXZ6t7CTyUz8vGqOng==


f10757 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:Eu3sFM/ZXrXmybuMD3DXAQ==


f10757 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:WwoCL3/4K9dkOj3Y8DjWSg==


f10757 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:xzfahZok7zU4phqaZct85w==


f10757 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:Jat/crE3wCGFLV/EUKXpNQ==


f10757 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:sWv8Z1JBPa77zp7n84w8kA==


f10757 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:3tAU4jTRuuLPT5FynbpjOQ==


f10757 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:dw0pv3VmQnqISRqVcXk3aQ==


f10757 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:rVhEjBTnnOTB9XEaGF3oNA==


f10757 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:dw0pv3VmQnqISRqVcXk3aQ==


f10757 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:dw0pv3VmQnqISRqVcXk3aQ==


f10757 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:dw0pv3VmQnqISRqVcXk3aQ==


f10757 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:dw0pv3VmQnqISRqVcXk3aQ==


f10757 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:dw0pv3VmQnqISRqVcXk3aQ==


f10757 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:dw0pv3VmQnqISRqVcXk3aQ==


f10757 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:H9cb/7bsz7sFajH3N2qggA==


f10757 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:MRdYWKo4199HV0suSeNpRw==


f10757 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:XwAq5xDxvSZIoMuukVxGPg==


f10757 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:8gfS4cuFMD0n5ZL99nvEOA==


f10757 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:BLNetjDdaIHXAZ5/Z+wUbw==


f10757 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:RM14E66Em+FElnKslMUX9Q==


f10757 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:bI1ldWAz4u1abizeVke1yw==


f10757 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:GFuWNmrP5QzJj/dT1zyHEw==


f10757 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:TD7fo/9AR9UQ9+z3yJr6+Q==


f10757 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:dw0pv3VmQnqISRqVcXk3aQ==


f10757 Location:

Summary Statistics: Max. NaN; Mean NaN; Valid 0.0; Min. NaN; StDev NaN

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:4Fzzi6T5QxOkOmipiAQcaA==


f10757 Location:

Summary Statistics: Max. NaN; Min. NaN; Valid 0.0; StDev NaN; Mean NaN

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:4Fzzi6T5QxOkOmipiAQcaA==


f10769 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:5zLyHhPF01C/hHllsqCn+g==


f10769 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:cmibywa7IcI/Brto+kuoUg==


f10769 Location:

Variable Format: character

Notes: UNF:6:8SR7WoRd138i8DtlekFRng==


f10769 Location:

Summary Statistics: Valid 0.0; Max. NaN; Min. NaN; StDev NaN; Mean NaN

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:aaTXi9P/flmL6n+vGEgJxQ==


f10769 Location:

Summary Statistics: Valid 0.0; Min. NaN; StDev NaN; Max. NaN; Mean NaN

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:aaTXi9P/flmL6n+vGEgJxQ==


f10769 Location:

Summary Statistics: Mean NaN; Max. NaN; Min. NaN; StDev NaN; Valid 0.0;

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:aaTXi9P/flmL6n+vGEgJxQ==


f10769 Location:

Summary Statistics: Max. NaN; Valid 0.0; Mean NaN; Min. NaN; StDev NaN

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:aaTXi9P/flmL6n+vGEgJxQ==


f10769 Location:

Summary Statistics: Valid 0.0; Min. NaN; Mean NaN; Max. NaN; StDev NaN

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:aaTXi9P/flmL6n+vGEgJxQ==


f10769 Location:

Summary Statistics: Max. NaN; Valid 0.0; Mean NaN; Min. NaN; StDev NaN

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:aaTXi9P/flmL6n+vGEgJxQ==


f10769 Location:

Summary Statistics: Min. NaN; StDev NaN; Valid 0.0; Mean NaN; Max. NaN

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:aaTXi9P/flmL6n+vGEgJxQ==


f10769 Location:

Summary Statistics: Min. NaN; Valid 0.0; StDev NaN; Mean NaN; Max. NaN

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:aaTXi9P/flmL6n+vGEgJxQ==


f10769 Location:

Summary Statistics: Min. NaN; Mean NaN; Max. NaN; StDev NaN; Valid 0.0;

Variable Format: numeric

Notes: UNF:6:aaTXi9P/flmL6n+vGEgJxQ==

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